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Captain Fin Co Neal Purchase JR Quartet Single Tab Fins in Brown


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The Neal Purchase Jr Quartet is part of Captain Fin Co's Limited La Especial Collection. It is a solid fibreglass layup. This template was developed by NPJ for maximum speed and control. “I was riding 70’s Twin fins and decided to add two stabilizers to add drive and make a quad. Took a quarter-inch off the base of the twin fin template I had and positioned the back fins in a cluster for tight driving turns... they are at 10 1/2 and 6 1/4 from the tail with the back fins 1/4 inch further in from the rail. The result generates huge amounts of speed rail to rail with heaps of hold...” - Neal Purchase Jr.

Product Features:

Compatibility: Futures

• Construction: Fiberglass

• Flex: Stiff

• Front Height: 5.7 Base: 5.4 Area: 22.09 Foil: Flat

• Quad Height: 3.4 Base: 3.5 Area: 8.91 Foil: Flat